How to be a College Chef

fall 2023

During this group project my team wanted to combat the issue of students not feeling confident in the kitchen. We sent out surveys about food scarcity, collected easy student submitted recipes, and compiled them into a fully illustrated cookbook in two months. At the end of this project we presented our final deliverable at a symposium where we had recipe samples and finalized cookbooks to look through.

We wanted to focus on accessibility for students, so we added a substitution list, as well as a measurement conversion chart.

My specific role in this project was to collect recipes and finalize the layout for the cookbook.

The Cookbook


At the end of the project we held a symposium to get feedback on your project. It was also a way for us to share our cookbook with students who might benefit from the recipes and/or sense of community.

We printed a large poster describing in detail our research and process. We also made sure to have multiple hard copies of the book as well as QR codes to the digital version available. We made the tofu smoothie recipe from the book to serve as well.